Monday, May 10, 2021

Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt

Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt

 BUY THIS PRODUCTS FROM AMAZON.COM HERE Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt ✅ Printed in the USA ✅ High-quality ✅ Order at Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt Unfortunately, the “conservative corporate media” (that phrase is always good for a laugh) apparently forgot to reinforce that talking point for him. In fact, it’s as if they buried it. ” 17 resolutions, and the UN was powerless to do any more than scoff at him.”–That’s because a sizable percentage of the UN was on the take. “It should make people angry also the UN is such a powerless institution now.”–Angry? Hell, I’m glad. The UN is and has for decades been a corrupt organization whose only purpose was to siphon US money to third-world dictatorships and give two-bit despots a pulpit to bash America from. And, of course, underage sex for peacekeepers. “Let us also not forget that Saddam is not going to be winning any Nobel Peace Prizes for his treatment of his own people.”–To which I must remind you of Jimmy Carter’s prize. The Nobel Peace Prize is given not for actual work toward peace, but for anti-American sentiment, which means Sodom’s is probably in the mail. COMMENT #208 [Permalink]… Autarkis said on 12/6/2005 @ 9:28 am PT… Redneck:�”For example, the article you cite is about the Schiavo memo which later that very Senator’s aid admitted to writing.”–Which would have been a stunning victory–if they had accused some obscure aid of writing the memo instead of claiming it to be a Republican plan.�� Did the papers claim that, really? I don�t even see where the story you link to suggests that. It�s possible they talked to Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt people who said that and they reported it. There�s a distinct difference here you�d be well served to meditate upon. The story you actually linked to, rather than the one you�re conveniently inventing, seems to be claiming it�s a Democratic forgery. Not so much. �”The article you cite dwells on semantics of what various Palestian terrorist or militant groups, take your pick it’s all the same to me, are called by The Post.”–All the same to you, and to the Post. Those of us whose hatreds haven’t permenently warped our view of reality, on the other hand, know that a) there is a vast difference between a terrorist and a military leader and b) people unable to see this difference are not credible sources.�� Since when is a �militant� a military leader? Websters says a militant is �1. Engaged in combat. 2. Working for a cause.� Websters defines terrorist, via terrorism, as �1. The political use of violence or intimidation.� Seems to me many of these Palestinian outfits conform to both descriptions as have the Israelis from time to time. Frankly, if you see all angels or all devils on either side of this conflict you�re more likely possessed of a �warped view of reality� than someone with a realistic perspective. Work on recognizing spin for spin and sorting out that mote in your own eye. It�s not easy, it requires humility and research, but it can be done. Alright, so maybe I�m not strong in the humility department myself but isn�t admitting I need work there a start? �”And the last is from a cite called “Oh, That Liberal Media.” Yeah. Okay. Speaks for itself.”Because nobody can point the obvious unless they adopt that ridiculous “corporate media” pulp. � Is there a translator in the house? �” The problem seems to be that he’s citing sources this guy doesn’t like”–Mostly because they’re not the ones relevant to the problem at hand. Kind of like the New York Times “man on the street” polls that somehow always end up asking someone slightly to the left of Che Guevera. I Just A Girl Who Loves Yoga with Poster How is the State Department�s response not relevant? He wasn�t belittling them for getting the story wrong, initially, but rather pointing out the facts the administration was now owning up to. That isn�t newsworthy how again? Are you saying State just makes crap up without consulting The Pentagon when they�re dealing with delicate public diplomacy that directly results from and impacts The Pentagon�s efforts in Iraq? �I take everything I read or see with a grain of salt,”–Unless it’s from the Washington Post, apparently.� This from the guy who thinks AIM is a fair arbiter of news criticism. �And Reagan “sought” to build up a super-duper system of satellite laser guns to blow up ICBMs.”–And now we have one, that’s worked in 5 out of 6 tests. Mayhap we could stick to the subject at hand?� It�s an illustration there, Virginia. I know you can handle that concept. I hope neocons don�t take as long to fix Iraq as they did to fix Star Wars. Assuming your claim is accurate. Wonder what I�d find if you�d post small enough responses for me to actually research what you�re saying. I�m on to you. Tonnage and fatigue. And it�ll work eventually. Posting here is by far the least interesting thing I�m doing today. �”Attacking a country that had nothing to do with bin Ladin, aside from trying to infiltrate his group because Saddam saw them as a threat,”–Except that a) we already know of several Iraq-Al-Qaeda links, and b) Houssein as an anti-terrorist crusader has to be one of the wackier conspiracy theories I’ve heard.� And those links would be? Think carefully because I already know where those skeletons are buried and I�ll riposte with factual rebuttles faster than you can type �Redneck.� Hussein (sic) was no anti-terrorist crusader but he was a secular neo-Stalinist with no patience for any rival dogmas that would challenge his claim to power. That included radical Islamism. And bin Ladin responded in kind. I can only think of one mention, that�s even remotely credible, of bin Ladin scoping out a possible alliance with Saddam and it was firmly rebuffed. However there are many references from bin Ladin slamming Hussein as a heretic to be destroyed. �”We made bin Ladin’s case for him like the rocket scientists we are.”By cutting and running in Somalia, or by not instituting shari’a law When I make ANDIEZ  A Girl Who Loves Yoga, Photography Poster No, by demonstrating to the Muslim world that we�d invade a country with no demonstrable ties to bin Ladin, but plenty of oil, and decide we were going to make it a government after our own style � heck we planned to privatize the oil and many other government services before contracting them out to American companies. Much of this has been stopped in its tracks by folks like al-Sistani but that was the plan going in. It was positively nutty hearing libertarian entrepreneur types going on about the piles of money they were going to make even before the invasion was over. Who�s laughing now? Aside from Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt military contractors, Halliburton et al, I think that plan�s mostly screwed. �”Now if you don’t want to believe the reports cited above in those articles that’s up to you. Who wouldn’t rather believe in unicorns, rainbows and pixie dust over the butt-ugly truth? “You would, apparently, when your ‘unicorns, rainbows, pixie dust’ and other general warm-fuzzies tell you that America is evil and the butt-ugly truth is you were wrong.� America�s not evil. America�s not Satan, it�s Frankenstein. We�re big, ignorant and don�t know our own strength. Our heart�s in the right place and we�ve got courage aplenty but when a peasant shoves a torch in our face we tear up the entire village to make it stop. �”And if it’s not the truth that we actually created a worse situation because of our invasion, prove it.”–To which I present exhibit A: The nation of Iraq. Free elections, mass graves beind dug up rather than filled up, plastic shredders being used to actually shred plastic, rape rooms shut down, all that good stuff.� Visit our Social Network: Pinterest, Blogger, and see more at our collection.   Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt  BUY THIS PRODUCTS FROM AMAZON.COM HERE Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt ✅ Printed in the USA ✅ High-quality ✅ Order at Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt Unfortunately, the “conservative corporate media” (that phrase is always good for a laugh) apparently forgot to reinforce that talking point for him. In fact, it’s as if they buried it. ” 17 resolutions, and the UN was powerless to do any more than scoff at him.”–That’s because a sizable percentage of the UN was on the take. “It should make people angry also the UN is such a powerless institution now.”–Angry? Hell, I’m glad. The UN is and has for decades been a corrupt organization whose only purpose was to siphon US money to third-world dictatorships and give two-bit despots a pulpit to bash America from. And, of course, underage sex for peacekeepers. “Let us also not forget that Saddam is not going to be winning any Nobel Peace Prizes for his treatment of his own people.”–To which I must remind you of Jimmy Carter’s prize. The Nobel Peace Prize is given not for actual work toward peace, but for anti-American sentiment, which means Sodom’s is probably in the mail. COMMENT #208 [Permalink]… Autarkis said on 12/6/2005 @ 9:28 am PT… Redneck:�”For example, the article you cite is about the Schiavo memo which later that very Senator’s aid admitted to writing.”–Which would have been a stunning victory–if they had accused some obscure aid of writing the memo instead of claiming it to be a Republican plan.�� Did the papers claim that, really? I don�t even see where the story you link to suggests that. It�s possible they talked to Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt people who said that and they reported it. There�s a distinct difference here you�d be well served to meditate upon. The story you actually linked to, rather than the one you�re conveniently inventing, seems to be claiming it�s a Democratic forgery. Not so much. �”The article you cite dwells on semantics of what various Palestian terrorist or militant groups, take your pick it’s all the same to me, are called by The Post.”–All the same to you, and to the Post. Those of us whose hatreds haven’t permenently warped our view of reality, on the other hand, know that a) there is a vast difference between a terrorist and a military leader and b) people unable to see this difference are not credible sources.�� Since when is a �militant� a military leader? Websters says a militant is �1. Engaged in combat. 2. Working for a cause.� Websters defines terrorist, via terrorism, as �1. The political use of violence or intimidation.� Seems to me many of these Palestinian outfits conform to both descriptions as have the Israelis from time to time. Frankly, if you see all angels or all devils on either side of this conflict you�re more likely possessed of a �warped view of reality� than someone with a realistic perspective. Work on recognizing spin for spin and sorting out that mote in your own eye. It�s not easy, it requires humility and research, but it can be done. Alright, so maybe I�m not strong in the humility department myself but isn�t admitting I need work there a start? �”And the last is from a cite called “Oh, That Liberal Media.” Yeah. Okay. Speaks for itself.”Because nobody can point the obvious unless they adopt that ridiculous “corporate media” pulp. � Is there a translator in the house? �” The problem seems to be that he’s citing sources this guy doesn’t like”–Mostly because they’re not the ones relevant to the problem at hand. Kind of like the New York Times “man on the street” polls that somehow always end up asking someone slightly to the left of Che Guevera. I Just A Girl Who Loves Yoga with Poster How is the State Department�s response not relevant? He wasn�t belittling them for getting the story wrong, initially, but rather pointing out the facts the administration was now owning up to. That isn�t newsworthy how again? Are you saying State just makes crap up without consulting The Pentagon when they�re dealing with delicate public diplomacy that directly results from and impacts The Pentagon�s efforts in Iraq? �I take everything I read or see with a grain of salt,”–Unless it’s from the Washington Post, apparently.� This from the guy who thinks AIM is a fair arbiter of news criticism. �And Reagan “sought” to build up a super-duper system of satellite laser guns to blow up ICBMs.”–And now we have one, that’s worked in 5 out of 6 tests. Mayhap we could stick to the subject at hand?� It�s an illustration there, Virginia. I know you can handle that concept. I hope neocons don�t take as long to fix Iraq as they did to fix Star Wars. Assuming your claim is accurate. Wonder what I�d find if you�d post small enough responses for me to actually research what you�re saying. I�m on to you. Tonnage and fatigue. And it�ll work eventually. Posting here is by far the least interesting thing I�m doing today. �”Attacking a country that had nothing to do with bin Ladin, aside from trying to infiltrate his group because Saddam saw them as a threat,”–Except that a) we already know of several Iraq-Al-Qaeda links, and b) Houssein as an anti-terrorist crusader has to be one of the wackier conspiracy theories I’ve heard.� And those links would be? Think carefully because I already know where those skeletons are buried and I�ll riposte with factual rebuttles faster than you can type �Redneck.� Hussein (sic) was no anti-terrorist crusader but he was a secular neo-Stalinist with no patience for any rival dogmas that would challenge his claim to power. That included radical Islamism. And bin Ladin responded in kind. I can only think of one mention, that�s even remotely credible, of bin Ladin scoping out a possible alliance with Saddam and it was firmly rebuffed. However there are many references from bin Ladin slamming Hussein as a heretic to be destroyed. �”We made bin Ladin’s case for him like the rocket scientists we are.”By cutting and running in Somalia, or by not instituting shari’a law When I make ANDIEZ  A Girl Who Loves Yoga, Photography Poster No, by demonstrating to the Muslim world that we�d invade a country with no demonstrable ties to bin Ladin, but plenty of oil, and decide we were going to make it a government after our own style � heck we planned to privatize the oil and many other government services before contracting them out to American companies. Much of this has been stopped in its tracks by folks like al-Sistani but that was the plan going in. It was positively nutty hearing libertarian entrepreneur types going on about the piles of money they were going to make even before the invasion was over. Who�s laughing now? Aside from Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt military contractors, Halliburton et al, I think that plan�s mostly screwed. �”Now if you don’t want to believe the reports cited above in those articles that’s up to you. Who wouldn’t rather believe in unicorns, rainbows and pixie dust over the butt-ugly truth? “You would, apparently, when your ‘unicorns, rainbows, pixie dust’ and other general warm-fuzzies tell you that America is evil and the butt-ugly truth is you were wrong.� America�s not evil. America�s not Satan, it�s Frankenstein. We�re big, ignorant and don�t know our own strength. Our heart�s in the right place and we�ve got courage aplenty but when a peasant shoves a torch in our face we tear up the entire village to make it stop. �”And if it’s not the truth that we actually created a worse situation because of our invasion, prove it.”–To which I present exhibit A: The nation of Iraq. Free elections, mass graves beind dug up rather than filled up, plastic shredders being used to actually shred plastic, rape rooms shut down, all that good stuff.� Visit our Social Network: Pinterest, Blogger, and see more at our collection.  

Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt - from 1

Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt - from 1

 BUY THIS PRODUCTS FROM AMAZON.COM HERE Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt ✅ Printed in the USA ✅ High-quality ✅ Order at Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt Unfortunately, the “conservative corporate media” (that phrase is always good for a laugh) apparently forgot to reinforce that talking point for him. In fact, it’s as if they buried it. ” 17 resolutions, and the UN was powerless to do any more than scoff at him.”–That’s because a sizable percentage of the UN was on the take. “It should make people angry also the UN is such a powerless institution now.”–Angry? Hell, I’m glad. The UN is and has for decades been a corrupt organization whose only purpose was to siphon US money to third-world dictatorships and give two-bit despots a pulpit to bash America from. And, of course, underage sex for peacekeepers. “Let us also not forget that Saddam is not going to be winning any Nobel Peace Prizes for his treatment of his own people.”–To which I must remind you of Jimmy Carter’s prize. The Nobel Peace Prize is given not for actual work toward peace, but for anti-American sentiment, which means Sodom’s is probably in the mail. COMMENT #208 [Permalink]… Autarkis said on 12/6/2005 @ 9:28 am PT… Redneck:�”For example, the article you cite is about the Schiavo memo which later that very Senator’s aid admitted to writing.”–Which would have been a stunning victory–if they had accused some obscure aid of writing the memo instead of claiming it to be a Republican plan.�� Did the papers claim that, really? I don�t even see where the story you link to suggests that. It�s possible they talked to Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt people who said that and they reported it. There�s a distinct difference here you�d be well served to meditate upon. The story you actually linked to, rather than the one you�re conveniently inventing, seems to be claiming it�s a Democratic forgery. Not so much. �”The article you cite dwells on semantics of what various Palestian terrorist or militant groups, take your pick it’s all the same to me, are called by The Post.”–All the same to you, and to the Post. Those of us whose hatreds haven’t permenently warped our view of reality, on the other hand, know that a) there is a vast difference between a terrorist and a military leader and b) people unable to see this difference are not credible sources.�� Since when is a �militant� a military leader? Websters says a militant is �1. Engaged in combat. 2. Working for a cause.� Websters defines terrorist, via terrorism, as �1. The political use of violence or intimidation.� Seems to me many of these Palestinian outfits conform to both descriptions as have the Israelis from time to time. Frankly, if you see all angels or all devils on either side of this conflict you�re more likely possessed of a �warped view of reality� than someone with a realistic perspective. Work on recognizing spin for spin and sorting out that mote in your own eye. It�s not easy, it requires humility and research, but it can be done. Alright, so maybe I�m not strong in the humility department myself but isn�t admitting I need work there a start? �”And the last is from a cite called “Oh, That Liberal Media.” Yeah. Okay. Speaks for itself.”Because nobody can point the obvious unless they adopt that ridiculous “corporate media” pulp. � Is there a translator in the house? �” The problem seems to be that he’s citing sources this guy doesn’t like”–Mostly because they’re not the ones relevant to the problem at hand. Kind of like the New York Times “man on the street” polls that somehow always end up asking someone slightly to the left of Che Guevera. I Just A Girl Who Loves Yoga with Poster How is the State Department�s response not relevant? He wasn�t belittling them for getting the story wrong, initially, but rather pointing out the facts the administration was now owning up to. That isn�t newsworthy how again? Are you saying State just makes crap up without consulting The Pentagon when they�re dealing with delicate public diplomacy that directly results from and impacts The Pentagon�s efforts in Iraq? �I take everything I read or see with a grain of salt,”–Unless it’s from the Washington Post, apparently.� This from the guy who thinks AIM is a fair arbiter of news criticism. �And Reagan “sought” to build up a super-duper system of satellite laser guns to blow up ICBMs.”–And now we have one, that’s worked in 5 out of 6 tests. Mayhap we could stick to the subject at hand?� It�s an illustration there, Virginia. I know you can handle that concept. I hope neocons don�t take as long to fix Iraq as they did to fix Star Wars. Assuming your claim is accurate. Wonder what I�d find if you�d post small enough responses for me to actually research what you�re saying. I�m on to you. Tonnage and fatigue. And it�ll work eventually. Posting here is by far the least interesting thing I�m doing today. �”Attacking a country that had nothing to do with bin Ladin, aside from trying to infiltrate his group because Saddam saw them as a threat,”–Except that a) we already know of several Iraq-Al-Qaeda links, and b) Houssein as an anti-terrorist crusader has to be one of the wackier conspiracy theories I’ve heard.� And those links would be? Think carefully because I already know where those skeletons are buried and I�ll riposte with factual rebuttles faster than you can type �Redneck.� Hussein (sic) was no anti-terrorist crusader but he was a secular neo-Stalinist with no patience for any rival dogmas that would challenge his claim to power. That included radical Islamism. And bin Ladin responded in kind. I can only think of one mention, that�s even remotely credible, of bin Ladin scoping out a possible alliance with Saddam and it was firmly rebuffed. However there are many references from bin Ladin slamming Hussein as a heretic to be destroyed. �”We made bin Ladin’s case for him like the rocket scientists we are.”By cutting and running in Somalia, or by not instituting shari’a law When I make ANDIEZ  A Girl Who Loves Yoga, Photography Poster No, by demonstrating to the Muslim world that we�d invade a country with no demonstrable ties to bin Ladin, but plenty of oil, and decide we were going to make it a government after our own style � heck we planned to privatize the oil and many other government services before contracting them out to American companies. Much of this has been stopped in its tracks by folks like al-Sistani but that was the plan going in. It was positively nutty hearing libertarian entrepreneur types going on about the piles of money they were going to make even before the invasion was over. Who�s laughing now? Aside from Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt military contractors, Halliburton et al, I think that plan�s mostly screwed. �”Now if you don’t want to believe the reports cited above in those articles that’s up to you. Who wouldn’t rather believe in unicorns, rainbows and pixie dust over the butt-ugly truth? “You would, apparently, when your ‘unicorns, rainbows, pixie dust’ and other general warm-fuzzies tell you that America is evil and the butt-ugly truth is you were wrong.� America�s not evil. America�s not Satan, it�s Frankenstein. We�re big, ignorant and don�t know our own strength. Our heart�s in the right place and we�ve got courage aplenty but when a peasant shoves a torch in our face we tear up the entire village to make it stop. �”And if it’s not the truth that we actually created a worse situation because of our invasion, prove it.”–To which I present exhibit A: The nation of Iraq. Free elections, mass graves beind dug up rather than filled up, plastic shredders being used to actually shred plastic, rape rooms shut down, all that good stuff.� Visit our Social Network: Pinterest, Blogger, and see more at our collection.   Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt  BUY THIS PRODUCTS FROM AMAZON.COM HERE Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt ✅ Printed in the USA ✅ High-quality ✅ Order at Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt Unfortunately, the “conservative corporate media” (that phrase is always good for a laugh) apparently forgot to reinforce that talking point for him. In fact, it’s as if they buried it. ” 17 resolutions, and the UN was powerless to do any more than scoff at him.”–That’s because a sizable percentage of the UN was on the take. “It should make people angry also the UN is such a powerless institution now.”–Angry? Hell, I’m glad. The UN is and has for decades been a corrupt organization whose only purpose was to siphon US money to third-world dictatorships and give two-bit despots a pulpit to bash America from. And, of course, underage sex for peacekeepers. “Let us also not forget that Saddam is not going to be winning any Nobel Peace Prizes for his treatment of his own people.”–To which I must remind you of Jimmy Carter’s prize. The Nobel Peace Prize is given not for actual work toward peace, but for anti-American sentiment, which means Sodom’s is probably in the mail. COMMENT #208 [Permalink]… Autarkis said on 12/6/2005 @ 9:28 am PT… Redneck:�”For example, the article you cite is about the Schiavo memo which later that very Senator’s aid admitted to writing.”–Which would have been a stunning victory–if they had accused some obscure aid of writing the memo instead of claiming it to be a Republican plan.�� Did the papers claim that, really? I don�t even see where the story you link to suggests that. It�s possible they talked to Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt people who said that and they reported it. There�s a distinct difference here you�d be well served to meditate upon. The story you actually linked to, rather than the one you�re conveniently inventing, seems to be claiming it�s a Democratic forgery. Not so much. �”The article you cite dwells on semantics of what various Palestian terrorist or militant groups, take your pick it’s all the same to me, are called by The Post.”–All the same to you, and to the Post. Those of us whose hatreds haven’t permenently warped our view of reality, on the other hand, know that a) there is a vast difference between a terrorist and a military leader and b) people unable to see this difference are not credible sources.�� Since when is a �militant� a military leader? Websters says a militant is �1. Engaged in combat. 2. Working for a cause.� Websters defines terrorist, via terrorism, as �1. The political use of violence or intimidation.� Seems to me many of these Palestinian outfits conform to both descriptions as have the Israelis from time to time. Frankly, if you see all angels or all devils on either side of this conflict you�re more likely possessed of a �warped view of reality� than someone with a realistic perspective. Work on recognizing spin for spin and sorting out that mote in your own eye. It�s not easy, it requires humility and research, but it can be done. Alright, so maybe I�m not strong in the humility department myself but isn�t admitting I need work there a start? �”And the last is from a cite called “Oh, That Liberal Media.” Yeah. Okay. Speaks for itself.”Because nobody can point the obvious unless they adopt that ridiculous “corporate media” pulp. � Is there a translator in the house? �” The problem seems to be that he’s citing sources this guy doesn’t like”–Mostly because they’re not the ones relevant to the problem at hand. Kind of like the New York Times “man on the street” polls that somehow always end up asking someone slightly to the left of Che Guevera. I Just A Girl Who Loves Yoga with Poster How is the State Department�s response not relevant? He wasn�t belittling them for getting the story wrong, initially, but rather pointing out the facts the administration was now owning up to. That isn�t newsworthy how again? Are you saying State just makes crap up without consulting The Pentagon when they�re dealing with delicate public diplomacy that directly results from and impacts The Pentagon�s efforts in Iraq? �I take everything I read or see with a grain of salt,”–Unless it’s from the Washington Post, apparently.� This from the guy who thinks AIM is a fair arbiter of news criticism. �And Reagan “sought” to build up a super-duper system of satellite laser guns to blow up ICBMs.”–And now we have one, that’s worked in 5 out of 6 tests. Mayhap we could stick to the subject at hand?� It�s an illustration there, Virginia. I know you can handle that concept. I hope neocons don�t take as long to fix Iraq as they did to fix Star Wars. Assuming your claim is accurate. Wonder what I�d find if you�d post small enough responses for me to actually research what you�re saying. I�m on to you. Tonnage and fatigue. And it�ll work eventually. Posting here is by far the least interesting thing I�m doing today. �”Attacking a country that had nothing to do with bin Ladin, aside from trying to infiltrate his group because Saddam saw them as a threat,”–Except that a) we already know of several Iraq-Al-Qaeda links, and b) Houssein as an anti-terrorist crusader has to be one of the wackier conspiracy theories I’ve heard.� And those links would be? Think carefully because I already know where those skeletons are buried and I�ll riposte with factual rebuttles faster than you can type �Redneck.� Hussein (sic) was no anti-terrorist crusader but he was a secular neo-Stalinist with no patience for any rival dogmas that would challenge his claim to power. That included radical Islamism. And bin Ladin responded in kind. I can only think of one mention, that�s even remotely credible, of bin Ladin scoping out a possible alliance with Saddam and it was firmly rebuffed. However there are many references from bin Ladin slamming Hussein as a heretic to be destroyed. �”We made bin Ladin’s case for him like the rocket scientists we are.”By cutting and running in Somalia, or by not instituting shari’a law When I make ANDIEZ  A Girl Who Loves Yoga, Photography Poster No, by demonstrating to the Muslim world that we�d invade a country with no demonstrable ties to bin Ladin, but plenty of oil, and decide we were going to make it a government after our own style � heck we planned to privatize the oil and many other government services before contracting them out to American companies. Much of this has been stopped in its tracks by folks like al-Sistani but that was the plan going in. It was positively nutty hearing libertarian entrepreneur types going on about the piles of money they were going to make even before the invasion was over. Who�s laughing now? Aside from Skeleton I'm Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Funny T Shirt military contractors, Halliburton et al, I think that plan�s mostly screwed. �”Now if you don’t want to believe the reports cited above in those articles that’s up to you. Who wouldn’t rather believe in unicorns, rainbows and pixie dust over the butt-ugly truth? “You would, apparently, when your ‘unicorns, rainbows, pixie dust’ and other general warm-fuzzies tell you that America is evil and the butt-ugly truth is you were wrong.� America�s not evil. America�s not Satan, it�s Frankenstein. We�re big, ignorant and don�t know our own strength. Our heart�s in the right place and we�ve got courage aplenty but when a peasant shoves a torch in our face we tear up the entire village to make it stop. �”And if it’s not the truth that we actually created a worse situation because of our invasion, prove it.”–To which I present exhibit A: The nation of Iraq. Free elections, mass graves beind dug up rather than filled up, plastic shredders being used to actually shred plastic, rape rooms shut down, all that good stuff.� Visit our Social Network: Pinterest, Blogger, and see more at our collection.  

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