Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Turns Out We Do Choose Our Own Paths I Just Chose The Path To The Bookstore T-Shirt

Ryan and I hit the road we did ahundred cities in ten months webasically donated a Turns Out We Do Choose Our Own Paths I Just Chose The Path To The Bookstore T-Shirt year of our livesand and decided to leave behind in eachcity a meetup group because we don’thave any control over it we just we wantwe wanted to leave something behindbecause what would happen is we would goto a city and people come up to usafterward and say that’s great you werehere for an hour or whatever but nowyou’re leaving how do I connect withpeople locally and I would say I don’tknow like ok cupid this whole thing okum that was a bad answer and so it turnsout we we didn’t have a good answer sowe went out and tried to make a goodanswer it’s called minimalist org youcan go there to click on the Bostongroup and it’s a Facebook group and andpeople need one at least once a monthsometimes groups would meet even morefrequently than that and then you’ll getto surround yourself with eitherlike minded people or at leastopen minded people who are willing to besupportive of whatever changes you wantto make in life and it’s not just aboutdecluttering. Wantwhatever were an entertainment roombecause ultimately we tend to say yes doI want two dining room oh I think I’msupposed to have a dining room so yesand said he asks you how do you liveyour life and he has people expand onthat question how am I gonna live mylife and then he builds a house aroundthat life instead of trying to cram alife into the house and so I thinkthat’s what’s important so whetheryou’re living in a tiny house thequestion is is that appropriate for youor are you living in a micro apartmentso in in the documentary most of you sawGraham Hill who has this 420 square footapartment and it is an amazing apartmentit sleeps seven I believe it has a hometheater and it has a full kitchen it hasa dining room table that seats twelve ithas a home office with a stand up deskas a full bathroom with a shower butit’s a it’s 40020 square feet in the middle ofManhattan and you’re like house ispossible well it’s a modular apartmentit’s much more functional than most2 000 square foot apartments we also hada couple in. Me and VEXand Ella and you park and you you

Source: Turns Out We Do Choose Our Own Paths I Just Chose The Path To The Bookstore T-Shirt

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Turns Out We Do Choose Our Own Paths I Just Chose The Path To The Bookstore T-Shirt
Turns Out We Do Choose Our Own Paths I Just Chose The Path To The Bookstore T-Shirt

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Who believe thatpain and suffering was the key to nothaving pain in a Turns Out We Do Choose Our Own Paths I Just Chose The Path To The Bookstore T-Shirt way which seems a bitquixotic to me to think that that wellI’m going to suffer so much that I won’tsuffer or you can go back to the StoicsI mean I don’t think stoicism is theright word either but there’s a lot ofwisdomEpictetus or Seneca or marcus aureliusand any was ancient 2000 year old wisdomthat pulls forward to today or you canlook at people like Emerson and Thoreauand some of the stuff they did but thatwas also a little bit about deprivationand to me it is much more about gettingback down to the essential and Irealized that minimalism is probably thebest term it’s the most ideal term andthe most imperfect term as well becauseit piques people’s interest in hereminimalism you’re like okay that’sprobably going to be radical and thenwhat Ryan’s job and my job is is to showyou that it’s not a radical lifestyleit’s a practical lifestyle but at firstwhen you just hear the label it soundsradical and so maybe maybe essentialismhas a a softer edge. Not a social lubricant asmuch as that’s when I you. We didn’thave a lot of things really that’s notwhy we were discontented we didn’t havePleasant experiences growing up all thetime and so I can think back to some ofthe few pleasant experiences for me Ihad very few toys but every otherweekend after our mom got her herpaycheck she would take me to Big Bearit was the the store that was you knowclosest to us and I would spend hours inthe toy aisle trying to choose betweenGI Joes and call it my decision down tothe specific decision on one toy andthat was our our form of entertainmentoh no it wasn’t about the toy itself Idon’t remember a single toy that webought but I remember dozens of thoseexperiences and and being forced intodecision making because we didn’t havethe money to buy five or six or ten toysand being forced into that decision andmaking that a positive experience for meshaped my my life for the rest of mylife and I’m still able to do that nowand because of that decision makingprocess repeatedly I’m able to makegreat decisions with my life now I havegood decision
See Other related products: Turns Out We Do Choose Our Own Paths I Just Chose The Path To The Bookstore T-Shirt

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