Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Skull I Myself Am Strange And Unusual T Shirt

Again yeah that’s that’ssort of the definition of insanity butif we’re learning from those failurestogether especially as a Skull I Myself Am Strange And Unusual T Shirt family then Ithink we can we can move forward andhave new successes and counting on thosethose those those tiny successes eachmonth when you meet and you say okay howdid we fail this month what’s our budgetlook like this month how did we succeedthis month and how do we celebrate thosesuccesses and also how do we celebratethose those failures by learning fromthem and carrying those lessons forwardthere’s also an essay that is in ourbook essential so Shawn maybe we’ll sendWilson Rae a copy of essential as wellthere’s an essay about outcomes it’scalled what is my outcome and it’s notthat’s another question I’m constantlyasking and I think it’s really importantfor you in terms of measuring it we hearthis term I especially used to hear it alot in the corporate world you can’tmanage what you don’t measure and wellthat’s that’s somewhat true I I thinkwe’re offering often measuring the wrongthings. We did acompletely different area where therethat wasn’t necessary at. So we went we finally like foundthe tree it took

Source: Skull I Myself Am Strange And Unusual T Shirt

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Yourhome tour on on the website and I had aour home tour with me and backs and Ellathe problem with all that home is that’sour home it’s it’s where we live but Ican’t spend a Skull I Myself Am Strange And Unusual T Shirt lot of time there rightnow and so I am I’m renting a smallsecond apartment right now to removemyself from the the chemicals in thathouse because it’s a relatively newconstruction it’s within the last yearand I’m just sensitive to the basiceveryday off gassing that’s still goingon in that space and so how long will Ihave to do that I don’t know and it’sreally it’s a huge strain on on myrelationship with with Becca but alsowith Ella I still make the best of itand yeah it’s like the the old serenityprayer like accept the things you can’tchange and then and then work hard tochange the things that you can right andso that’s what I’m doing I’m acceptingwhere my current stance is right now I’mnot in tip top shape I amthe least healthy healthy person I knowI have a better diet than than anyone Iknow probably I’m really really focusedand work with. At jfm or you can reach out tothe minimalists as a whole word is atthe minimalists there and speaking ofthat app les experiment it’s a prettyinteresting word appleís it almostsounds like a 40 inch slip or you know Idon’t know what it is but this wholeappleís experiment I hope to once Ryangets back I hope to chat with him abouthow that experiments going with him Iknow I’ve learned a lot in the lastmonth or so and I’m looking forward tohearing what Ryan has learned as wellalright so that’s really what’s addingvalue to my life right now let’s move onreal quick to right here right now thisis where we get to talk about what’sgoing on in the lives of the minimalistswe’re working on some pretty excitingstuff right now and actually you knowyou can help us out with some of thoseexciting things so three things that aregoing on right now first this year 2017we are working on building a new audiorecording and film studio how awesome isthat I mean talking about expanding outto new vehicles and new media and justimproving what. Back to thatand more and more creating more flowstate which will help aid the healingwill help me feel better but also nottaking on too much either and that’s I’mgood at being a workaholic and so I amconstantly saying no to a lot of stuffthe only other thing that I’m saying yesto right now and we’re saying no to awhole lot of stuff so we had a triad ofof yes so writing podcasting and maybedoing some talks later in 2017 we’llannounce those at the website so you canget up on our email newsletter you justgo to actually I got a new URL for ifyou go to the minimalists dot email youcan sign up for our email newsletter theminimalists email yeah it’s a new domainextension those out there now soundscrazy yeah you can you can find that andwe’ll never ever send you spam becausethat’s disgusting and and so yeah youwill work on a triad but then we alsohave a little side project that is alsoanother way for us to create we’reworking with some our friends fromminimally Simo and five style on aproject called minimalism dot life
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