Thursday, January 14, 2021

Bye Don Joe Biden Victory And Sunglasses T Shirt

Good bye nobel peace prize by dr israel romero jd international jurist phd a Bye Don Joe Biden Victory And Sunglasses T Shirt last minute six page letter from president trump to house speaker nancy pelosi can mean a lot but we analyze it as political and ethical death rattle because he knows will be impeached this wednesday december 18 2019 at the same time looking as if they had agreement to come public together trump s private lawyer rudy giuliani made news headlines stating he advised president trump to dismiss us ambassador in ukraine marie yovanovitch because she was preventing the investigation of political rival joe biden and he needed that obstacle to be eliminated showing they are ones of a kind giuliani justified his action adding that it was some king of gossip one day before the house floor vote on the two articles of impeachment abuse of power and obstruction of congress president trump and giuliani only are confirming the charges are proven and accepted by both trump and giuliani their hope is that a trial for removal at us senate will fail only because the upper chamber has republican congressmen majority two factors aren t considered by trump and giuliani the first is that republican majority at the senate is slim and we don t know if the few independent senators will side for removing the president and the second is that we don t know if some republican senators agree with removing trump the president s last hope is that the senate needs 67 votes to remove this is a hard number to achieve there is a second vote that can be taken at the senate it is for disqualifying the president from holding a position of trust in the united states anymore that will make him ineligible to be the republican candidate for 2020 elections this second proceeding requires just simple majority of 51 votes very likely to happen one more factor to consider is the presence of scotus chief justice john roberts directing the senate proceedings pursuant to us constitution if trump and comparsas think acquittal is in the pocket they may get the biggest surprise of their lives cj roberts only will allow the introduction of admissible evidence and don t allow the non sense insults and speeches republican leaders made at the house president trump giuliani mulvaney pompeo parnas fruman bolton and others still can come forward and testify in the matter of the phone call to president zelenskiy the favor of investigating the bidens and the holding of 400million military aid to ukraine and the issue of whether or not ukraine intervened in 2016 elections not russia as stated in the mueller report the bidens aren t admissible witnesses in the trial because they aren t impeached and not subject of this investigation they can be investigated by us doj not us congress the prior statements mean that rudiesky films from ukraine with ex officials from that country isn t admissible evidence on top please take notice that joe biden and his son hunter aren t being impeached and if they committed millions of crimes in ukraine and or in the united states that probable fact isn t admissible defense to exonerate president trump of his own constitutional high crimes and misdemeanors please also take notice that the president has no authority to ask a foreign power to investigate american citizens but when the target is a political rival it is not only a constitutional violation but also breaks us election law when trying to engage foreigners to participate in united states political elections affairs the fbi and the cia are the law enforcement agencies in charge of investigating our citizens asking a foreign country that kind of investigation and holding or using 400million military aid as ransom to that country is adding pain to injury conclusion once impeached even if acquitted and non disqualified president trump will pass into u s and world history as impeached president it means he won t be candidate for the rest of his life for awards of honor and decency I e nobel peace prize dr romero is independent scientific researcher in journalism and writer israel09r yahoo com. Marvel comics reimagined the original version of yondu by making some significant alterations to the decades old character cbr breaks down the differences between the original yondu his cinematic adaptation in the mcu and his subsequent comic book makeover. This morning we watched the boys from the roma youth team play they are our future however we thought about the present it had to finish like that today’s was an important and fundamental victory congratulations to everyone i’m happy for radja and kevin by now we consider them both romans francesco

Source: Bye Don Joe Biden Victory And Sunglasses T Shirt

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