Saturday, December 5, 2020

Fuck Use Definition The Most Versatile Word In The English Language T-Shirt

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Produce nifty hustle’s first recordand a Fuck Use Definition The Most Versatile Word In The English Language T-Shirt regular first bill of record deal often we learn that Nancy also was a producer before he was a rapper also we learn we also learned that if the house was a Southern California gangsta rap with hearts presented rhymes by all music gaga assays or your hustler before producing a definite with us for so we can be in the frisson candy Shelley shows cut grass water laws man everything that I glanced utterly it for so it doesn’t vest the common denominator a lot of people to that that sustain perseveres they had they had been before they were successful they would do exactly what you just did the same will be I do know how not to work right all the kids are playing sports a civil my middle child like get a joband did five jobs it was audio when I was 12 years old I started a coming call rent the team which is little you read the teenagers work to like mow your lawn clean your house go pick up your groceries for all peoples of aroused early is going to the club thing why that happens like broke kids come up with those ideas Seth that was a city deftly brings up because I met I want a good pair sneakers I should get it show you know that Bill character you may like learned how to figure it out you know in all are used by you be proud of you go to look back in Sligo’s resource was accumulated like Macy happen at that time did you feel like those to let Yorty know that you had those small wins like that you know we were accomplishing what you would want it you when you when you some money is broken little victory you will allow you to know was one most women at the poor cause of dollars go swimmingand ice to be a mission to get a dollar like to put it together Romania all we ask that you help take your groceriesand gives a quarter some shit like that you me or whatever we can do with it alone felt like that is complete you know that you have a father grown up in deftly the fathers around in your life it with my dadand live what is he live like him in his down the street so he held still guide you in life most of those that play a role in you being a father now all of course I don’t think so you know on the same we wasn’t in the house with each other our go to my pops houseand not go back tomorrow so you know but all is always on is always thoroughand consistent in all notions Thousand deftly a good quality for shoulder also said you’d celebrate a little like victories like you feel like you know you look at the highlights rhinitis on the game all I think that you appreciate it on think you don’t know is owned as you know me again back to long you appreciated you know you want to play for the big win which is to be lied to submits also in the gameand in the historyand also I put yourself in a position financially you know is forever have you read your victory lap as cliché as it is like have you reach where you feel like anyone ready one would not you know what I mean by that by Taliban victory lab like a came came from other environment would go you know what a well wanted to be positionedand is goingand I think that this does this represent accomplishing it was like now agar goes from being here in this position like also like music goalsand you know me on of career go here but just like from the industry due from LA looking at rep in times of ready you now am new puzzle to me like that’s a winand I was that was the biggest thousand longest distance of the most ground we had to cover those a lot of distance to write a letter marathon nope unattended it was deftly attended that like America you went to college championship you still celebrate renal training at the MBH on a nominee is as low as a little so is like no this different phaseand we regard goals for the space to sofa people I don’t know nifty hustle is more than artists more than a label owner’s entrepreneur what are some of the businesses that you all had endeavors with others outside of music on we got the marathon closingand that the store which is a separate thing we set a club in the store stores smart store on a product is encoded with content will go all was one of the first more stores your MBA recently on integrated concert into the jerseys using augmented reality was what we do first at the marathon store onand all we got a real estate development company core SC capital ventures we all was involved to bring about one will go say that universal fish is not the best already did the fish marketand auto if you still renovating together fryers in our lab we work the fish market all we got a cell phone shop we partnered with a fat burger you know so we are going to is not just me know that it’s a my brother Adam no fast restand feces all was all part of the that’s all working out man he knows a blessing this is you know everything got challengesand arranges all thrive in an autonomous but in the positive progress all the businesses we got our own company guarding the air to what we see sale like extensionand we the stuff of growth on the going to notice is at its know what I really commend you likeand anybody that comes from any hood in any part of America where he listens from his like making something in your own hood when you know it’s like maybe not the coolest area or maybe it’s rather like really making it something environment axial hood means a lot a lot of people that have popped offand they know where they came from where the wedding was good because people because he’s one of us so it’s like he’s doing well if you give me hope that like he did it he came the same place as me as funny goes when I was younger I never want us I did a lot of like that when I was youngand I never wanted to promote that for two reasons one I feel like anybody in hip hop it doesn’t like you say to get your stripes right like mayonnaise due to ice into I never wanted a kid to lookand say Clint Sparks did he’s doing all right right so I never wanted to talk about any wack shit that I did not feel like I’m getting olderand I got a son of my own I feel like is my responsibility to show where you can go down the wrong route in that one in 1 million that came out okay I got the signature the really exceptionand not the rule you that is not a telework said is obviously what you did is knowledge on what you donors will work on a given the game about what work not mean it won’t be this honest uveitis when we were wrong that but this will work right here so this will be put emphasis in it was a hustle mentality to take itand aim it for good now because the disadvantages directing a tour some night you go to jail to give you as well as if you had a fatherand I didn’t when I was young soand have invited God you say you shouldn’t do that that role menu like a shotand I shared another so but then as I got old I realize like men do language of system I like your your urine is the consequences you think you want to go through you have a slick that little fear you have it in the T start another to lose really you understand that when you’re young you know you’ll realize you have a future to lose disease don’t know severity a releasing of places you really getand now you know you will be disposed of their really get ready the railway you are sending us humbleand it happened to you no sense so let’s talk about was talk about the most recent win for nifty hustle talk to her before we talk about that was when the recordand the combat will talk about the victory lab to talk about your new deal Atlantic records of the power move absolutely put non so long would he want a plague wasand it was a musical called his car rapidly is Manchester often I won’t say the title you say it is hot rap magazine isand often victory lab out Mr first single produced by Mikeand Kees press play Manteca total before you press for masses question how does a white person said the title that’s wrap hitters wrap people wrap people rather like you know they also wrap people do you my way back that’s wrap people you harass people wrap individual rest make is that seals of the request what icom in the building so let’s talk about your new deal with Atlantic records it’s not a deal we get an artist that your signand they control you will need so you what to do would you run an audit tells you what records a hotand they spend all your budget you are the man in charge it’s a label deal explained that the up and coming artists I don’t understand the power that you just put yourself in the power position is a partnership you knowand Atlantic as as a label on the that the art is part of it I will function as an Atlantic artist we just have a partnership between my companyand Atlantic for the orders so you know with a visual control you most definitelyand is is is you know the deal done between the label or money in an Atlantic for Nancy that José is on I was the honesty so I’m speaking from being evolved in a label soughtand as the artist would you know it was what we was holding out for you want to come in as a partner we want to bring on mortgages music tickets I want to be involved in marketing with the ideasand just you know also emerged to be involved in the back in his partners know they evolve with other nixie ventures are just as music label just a music the universeand really just a nifty project on music live frightenedand you’ll be bringing all the artists underneath that label as well when you to be some that you know I was the we don’t get the first on look to aligning with everything we do if they believe inand the stuff we going to go togetherand that I would do this you know this one here we were passing the judge is outside the bill it’d just be so rented a first in the first project that will be coming out of that is the victory lab out most definitely solicit what victory lab out how long was out in the making for men working on this out you know on 91and not just you know for the past 23 years releases are cased just with different things men eyes is done this is turned in at this point is like the art editsand everything maybe but everything’s is committed to finalize Master Mason everything Ali makes invested all is like three years as I came up to Chris our tour we witnessed our cornice project that not drop may state the drum mailbox when he says they are drop salsa boy told you know no precious love so a job music since the event is being like my great records the saw that I felt were great song of talking in the you know all I just wanted to make sure that are to listen to a top to bottom want to make sure everything I see you know you can you could solo it inand play a cappella in Austin be proud of wanted to like really push mama so credibly in just make something nice level you feel the need to try to fit in like the current wave the home only only had all played a game good that I never want going to use so all think that anybody really when John affiliated in any scenario so like think I think the challenge is to make a sale I think some people when benefited yeah I think some people I just got agility well know about but those people also aren’t like people that have something to sayand have a reputation like you to be new dues are just like arms to do this stuff to it works merely having created like a real person yet to even follow like I feel like you’re like midseason personality know your character like ashes comeuppance like you know something manufactured like okay get it record it right rice trying to get a mean whatever you define when it is possessed rare by the different definition within a guy forand give my winter is what I meant when I’m here to do can do that try to win what will mark my goal you can get at the what what I’m trying to do that way from my understanding of my spirits with you out of your thinking you gotta be allowed for you should not make a contribution the unit on the UK chart a copy right ways you got you out of DeFazio contribution showand said what yet I agree with you we seen a ton of examples of bandwagon should that you know Mason money like go tell right now most definitely you knowand escalate you know anybody that didn’t write reps as there was 1312 nine so passion is some people just load our letter letter do do do musicand I have followed so well I what metric are you using to say like you’re making this project you want this project when you’re old you look back at it like this project was really a moment of my time like you want to be still like listenable when you’re old you definitely want to be timeless a deafening a man I think that was one of these be accomplished in terms of the sound of you know in our let the people determine you know the critical review which is in terms of the sound is is not trendy you know what I mean a sound of it I ain’t like oh yeah midseasonand moreover timeless art is not a moment in time in NRSand I appreciate the nose ago with the sale to make you like classy you know nothing of you taking 2 to 3 years to record a problem with how fast music is moving you go miss anyway you realize that you really got to listen to something like when you play it back in the offer got about this but is still sunk fresh years you let you know what I might have something here is still rotten Associates is cut its stand the test of time in your own like memory bankand you I think I’m a row restorative rep maroon hip hop fail a really for rat appears 100 of body new artist that don’t know the history I don’t buy them you know this is is like have learned something like basketball Burleson is like basketball I grabbed himand said however however if you’re if you’re going to be played bass like it you know Colbyand Jordan’s play bass or some kids are now the going to shoot threes right away everybody showing three the game changes NMI slander Jordanand my say some crazy about him as a way to indicate is they ever seen him playand not Sundayand then intoand a mystic for me I deafly always do my research at Buffalo with the policyholder that is performing I needed to knowand I’ll Nietzsche found out you okay with so much information off of people about what they want or what they hate to some of your pay attention to something in my family would like just learned about rap music was that I want to be to compare my music all wrapped it ever came up so I know where student notesand once I wanted to know I hear everything the me listen everything so I know where I stay in Modesto but most elemental wrappers about the seminal music whatever number you will prepare you to got to I’m you your song between two light records that everybody fucks when I have it if it doesn’t fit in. No longer a barrier on the barrier is actually getting cast on a person I’m sure is the president will would inform you in order to do the test healthcare provider needs to dress in full personal protective equipment for personal protective equipment and there’s a swab that’s put in the back of the nose all the way to the back of the threat it’s called a nasopharyngeal swab which is then putting media the next person has to get tested that healthcare provider has to change all the personal protective equipment when you put that in its highly likely a person coughs or sneezes cigarette risk so that’s over trying to fix now by the mobile platforms by all the things were doing is to enable sort of high throughput in this swapping and doing some technological things to that might be breakthroughs to make it much much faster but we certainly expect that from thousands of people per day we will we will be at the tens of thousands of people per day this week according to those who are you normally but I think I. Are you we read about all of the very sad very tragic I lost friends many of us have lost friends we read about that and we see that and that’s what the discovers but a very very small it’s a very small percentage is a very very small percentage estate all the time it’s a tiny percentage the vast majority many people don’t even know they that they have it or they have sniffles and have a very minor side and they recover not only recover they probably have immunity weathered short term long term but they have probably immunity and I think people have to understand that that’s why think the school should be back in the fall I think that lots of things that happen I don’t think that you should have a 70 year old teaches back yet they should wait till everything is gone I don’t think you should have a professor that 65 and has diabetes or has a bad heart back necessarily or somebody that’s older than that but we want to see our schools back we want to see our country start to work again we created the greatest
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